Clear Your Clutter for GOOD!
Nonprofit California BrainWaves Needs for Cherry Festival Sat June 1, estimated 10k ppl:
1. Volunteers for set up (7am), take down (6pm), assisting art activities (11-6)
2. Sponsor(s) for at least $1500 for event supplies. Or Venmo a donation @CABrainWaves.
3. Aprons with pockets for Volunteers, Kid scissors, glue, crayons, markers, pens, stationary/postcards/cards, stamps + ink, printer paper in bulk (all colors + white), construction paper/etc, bulk art project items (for ex, we received wooden hearts in bulk and teeny glass bottles for positive messages in a bottle), sensory toys, hand sanitizers.
$$ donations to Venmo: @CABrainWaves
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