Donate towards California BrainWaves Minimum Monthly Operational Expenses!
California BrainWaves, a Nonprofit for Neurodiversity
Our Mission is to increase support for neurodiversity in the way of housing, employment, education, research, medical care, specialized training, legal aid, and community systems.
Our Vision is to develop pivotal live/work/learn/play therapeutic campuses for people with brain and developmental disabilities and their loved ones, preventing traumatizing and expensive family separations. At California BrainWaves, staff, caregivers, and neurotypical siblings are also a priority in receiving support. In addition, we focus on de-stigmatizing neurodiversity.
Our 2024 Goals are to start a tv show, shoot tiktok and YouTube videos to help de stigmatize brain health, host a couple of fundraisers and community events. We will continue to grow our boards and programs, starting with our Healing Arts Program and Social Justice Program. To learn more, click here:
Hi friends, join me in making a difference by supporting a good cause! I'm raising money for California Brainwaves and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
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