
Showing posts from June, 2024

Our Sponsor is doing a $250 Off Promo Code for California BrainWaves fundraiser!

$250 Off the 25 Hr Package now through June 15, 2025 11:59pm with promo code "ForGOOD!"  Are you sick of staring at a messy home? Overwhelmed and don't know where to start? Bay Area Professional Organizer is here to help, with over 20 yrs experience of freeing clients from piles of clutter in their homes, offices, garages, storage units!  "Clear the Clutter for GOOD!"

June 1, 2024 San Leandro Cherry Festival

Clear the Clutter for GOOD! Bay Area Professional Organizer sponsors the local nonprofit California BrainWaves, which helps Special Needs Families. Bay Area Professional Organizer supports via homeless outreach, supplying items for the Healing Arts Program, plus proceeds help fund critical items and Operations Costs.  June 1, California BrainWaves had a Healing Arts Booth at the San Leandro Cherry Festival! 25,000 people attended! We made and handed out Random Acts of Kindness for Suicide Prevention and Brain Health Awareness!