7H20, a Live/Work/Learn/Play Therapeutic Campus for Bay Area Special Needs Families!
7H20, a Live/Work/Learn/Play Therapeutic Campus for Bay Area Special Needs Families! Our Social Franchise Components: Caregiver's Cove & Restaurant Caregiver's Cove will be a retreat for Caregivers to commiserate, learn, grow, heal together. It will be a resource library complete with workshops, guest speakers, events, support groups. We will film our YouTube Channel onsite, and host fundraisers, private parties and events onsite. Caregiver's Cove will have a restaurant and garden. We plan for Caregiver's Cove to be on the rooftop of Oasis Apartments. BrainWaves Care Center BrainWaves Care Center will be an all-in-one medical facility onsite for people with brain and developmental disabilities. We will include a hospital, urgent care, doctors' offices, therapies, a pharmacy, holistic and Western medicine, a spa, a research and diagnostics center, mobile crisis care. Water Lily RTP Our onsite Residential Treatment Program (RTP) will be for all ages who need ...